Our People

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Perhaps the biggest capital investment a Wine Estate makes is in its staff. When one visits Groot Constantia the feeling of happy and helpful abounds, an absolute pleasure for guests.

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Historical Wine Bottle Found off the Coast in Stockholm

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General Manager of Groot Constantia Jean Naudé was contacted by The Historical Museum of Wine and Spirits, Stockholm in January of this year.  The Director of the museum had read a press release about the re-launch of Grand Constance in an exquisite bottle styled on old shards of bottles found in the Roosevelt Inlet Shipwreck found on Lewes Beach in Delaware.

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A word from Jean Naude

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CEO of Groot Constantia Estate, Jean Naudé is excited about the discovery of additional antique wine bottles which have come to light during the last year with the latest being a 300 year old bottle found off the coast of Stockholm.

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A Lost Treasure in Delaware Bay

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Groot Constantia's place in history received another significant endorsement in 2004 when an American citizen picked up a piece of glass on the beach at Lewes, Delaware, on the east coast of America. The piece of glass had an inscription "Constantia Wyn" on it and American historians traced this artefact which was found among other porcelain items, to a ship that stranded in the Delaware Bay in 1774. The ship was a British supply ship named the Severn, which sank in the Delaware Bay after being hit by a storm. The wreckage was only discovered in 2004.

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Constantia Fresh’ – For the love of Sauvignon Blanc

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'Constantia Fresh' is one of the first South African wine festivals to feature Sauvignon Blanc of the Constantia Valley and other participating regional and international producers for a two day lifestyle festival celebrating the distinctiveness and freshness of the ‘wild white’ grape, Sauvignon Blanc and its compatibility with food.

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