Groot Constantia’s brand new Chardonnay takes Gold at the Taj Classic Wine Trophy

Groot Constantia’s 2013 Chardonnay has been awarded its 1st trophy at the recent Taj Classic Wine Trophy awards, held at the Taj Hotel in Cape Town from the 3rd to the 7th March 2014.  This exciting new wine, which is so young it is yet to be labelled, shows great promise after such an auspicious introduction to the world of wine lovers.

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Groot Constantia se splinternuwe Chardonnay wen Goud by die Taj Klassieke Wyntrofee

Groot Constantia se 2013 Chardonnay het 'n eerste trofee ingepalm by die onlangse Taj Klassieke Wyntrofee toekennings gehou by die Taj Hotel in Kaapstad van 3 tot 7 Maart 2014.  Hierdie opwindende wyn, so jonk dit moet nog naam kry, hou baie belofte in na 'n uiters sukses volle bekendstelling aan die wêreld se wynkenners.

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Groot Constantia – ‘n versnit van ou-wêreldse sjarme gekombineer met hedendaagse passie

Die enigste manier om Groot Constantia te “voel” is om dit te ervaar – daar is ‘n ryke geskiedenis, ‘n pragtige ligging, vriendelike mense, herinneringe wat gemaak moet word, pret wat wag en, natuurlik, wyn wat waardeer en geniet moet word.

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A word from Jean Naude

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"Our worth" says the Estate’s General Manager, Jean Naude, "is our tradition. The quality of every wine must be guaranteed. That’s the essence on which a brand like this stands. If we produced a mediocre bottle it would amount to an abuse, a waste, of the 326 years of history that have gone into producing this brand."

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